
Let’s start by reading in datasets we may need for demos

qui {
	1. Kidney Transplant Recipient Data
	2. NHANES 1999-2000 Demographics Data  
	3. Homework 1 Textfile Data
	if 1 { //Activated 
	    noi di "How many datasets are you going to use?" _request(N)
	    forvalues i=1/$N {
		    noi di "What is dataset `i'?" _request(data`i')
	    global repo "https://github.com/jhustata/basic/raw/main/"

Kinds of loops#

foreach v of varlist {#

qui {
	1. Kidney Transplant Recipient Data
	2. NHANES 1999-2000 Demographics Data  
	3. Homework 1 Textfile Data
	if 0 { //Deactivated  
	    noi di "How many datasets are you going to use?" _request(N)
	    forvalues i=1/$N {
		    noi di "What is dataset `i'?" _request(data`i')
	    global repo "https://github.com/jhustata/basic/raw/main/"
	if $N { //Import Data
        use $repo$data1, clear
		//varlist: string of variable names
		foreach v of varlist `r(varlist)' {
			noi di "`v'"

The r(varlist) can be replaced with a user-defined varlist in a customized program:

capture program drop myvarlist
    syntax varlist
	foreach v of varlist `varlist' {
	    noi di "`v'"

Now the user has flexibility:

myvarlist age gender race abo bmi


What if you wish to loop over a list of strings that aren’t variables?

 //di c(ALPHA)
 foreach v in `c(ALPHA)' {
 	di "`v'"


You may be working within a forvalues i=1/N loop and want to loop over some other “list” that is a string:

tokenize "`c(ALPHA)'" 
forval i = 1/26 {        
    di "``i''"
set timeout1 1000
import sasxport5 "https://wwwn.cdc.gov/Nchs/Nhanes/1999-2000/DEMO.XPT", clear

Can you write a script that imports NHANES DEMO.XPT (1999-2000) and iteratively appends NHANES DEMO.XPT from the next two survey cycles 2001-2002, 2003-2004? Visit the website to see the naming convention for the various years (e.g. NHANES 2001 - 2002)


What if you wish to loop over a list of strings that aren’t variables?

local varlist "Egypt Portugal Swaziland Ireland"
 foreach v in `varlist' {
 	di "`v'"

foreach n of numlist {#

qui {
	//earlier code
	if $N {
        // earlier code
		levelsof dx, local(dxcat)
		//numlist: list of numbers
		foreach n of numlist `dxcat' {
			noi di `n'

variable lab#

qui {
	//earlier code
	//levelsof is a "numlist"
	    levelsof dx, local(dxcat)
		local varlab: var lab dx 
		//later code

Variable type determines the parameters you report in Table 1:

Variable Type


Continuous (Units)

Median (IQR)

Binary (One is enough)


Multicategory (Each reported)

Variable label

Specific or collapsed


dx is a collapsed version of extended_dgn. But for the sake of practice, lets further collapse dx:

tab dx 
recode dx (1/4=1 "Prevalent Overall")(5/8=2 "Common in subgroups")(9=3 "Miscellaneous"),gen(dx_cat)
tab dx_cat
h ds
ds, has(type string)
levelsof extended_dgn
return list
ds, not(type string)
ds, has(type int)
ds, has(varl "*TX*")
ds, has(varl *TX* *transplant*)
ds, has(format %t*) 
ds, has(format *f)  

Here’s a simple script that classifies each variable:

qui {
    ds, not(type string) //otherwise, extended diagnosis is continuous! 
	global threshold 9 //for multicat vs. continuous
    foreach v of varlist `r(varlist)' {
	    levelsof `v', local(numlevels)
	    if r(r) == 2 {  
			noi di "`v' binary"
	    else if inrange(`r(r)', 3, $threshold) {  
			noi di "`v' multicat"
	    else {  
			noi di "`v' continuous"

value lab#

qui {
	//earlier code
		//earlier code
		local vallab: value lab dx
		foreach n of numlist `dxcat' {

label value lab#

Let’s get familiar with variations on the foreach command:


Here we are dealing with a sequence of numbers:

 forvalues i=1/9 {
 	di `i' 

In this scenario the numbers are arbitrarily arranged:

 foreach n of numlist 1 2 3 7 9 {
 	di `n'

You can create a macro, whose value is the numlist

 local numlist "1 2 3 7 9"
 foreach n of numlist `numlist' {
 	di `n'
qui {
	//earlier code
		foreach n of numlist `dxcat' {
			local dxvarlab: lab `vallab' `n'
			//later code
    if 2 { //Int 1-26
        egen lastname = seq(), f(1) t(26)
        tostring lastname, replace 
        tokenize "`c(ALPHA)'" 

    if 3 { //Tokenize
        forval i = 1/26 {
            replace lastname = "``i''" if lastname == "`i'" 

Output a varlist, numlist, and some other list into .xlsx

putexcel set lab6, replace 
use $repo$data1, clear
qui ds
//nested loops
tokenize "`c(ALPHA)'"
forvalues i = 1/2 {
	local row=2
	foreach v of varlist `r(varlist)' {
		if `i' == 1 {
			qui putexcel ``i''`row' = "`v'"
	        local row=`row'+ 1	
		if `i' == 2 {
			qui sum `v'
			local mean: di %3.2f r(mean)
			qui putexcel ``i''`row' = "`mean'"
	        local row=`row'	+ 1


Review the .xlsx file you’ve just created


Can you list all the macros generated by the above .do file script? Group them as follows:

  • System-defined

    • r()

    • e()

    • c()

    • _rc

    • etc

  • User-defined

    • local

    • global

qui {
	if 0 { //Background
		1. Loops
		2. Macros
		3. Values
		4. String: `varlist' or $varlist
		5. Numeric: `numlist' or $numlist
	noi di "Do you wish to document this session (yes/no)" _request(log)
	if "$log" == "no" {
		global yeslog = 0
	else {
		global yeslog = 1
	if $yeslog { //Methods
		1. Tabula Rasa: cls, clear 
		2. Work Directory: yours, collaborators, teaching team
		3. Documentation: log using
		//tabula rasa
		global mydir "~/downloads/"
		noi di "What is your workdirectory?" _request(yourdir)
		noi di "What dataset do you wish to analyze?" _request(data)
        if "$mydir" != "" {
			cd "$mydir"
		else {
			if "$yourdir" != {
				cd "$yourdir"
			else {
				noi di as err "You've not provided a workdirectory"
				exit 340600
		capture log close 
		log using loops.log, replace //remember: log close 
	capture confirm file "$data"
	if _rc == 0 {
		use "$data", clear 
		noi di "Thanks, $data has been loaded"
		noi di ""
		noi di "obs: `c(N)' vars: `c(k)'"
		noi di ""
		noi di "varlist: `r(varlist)'"
	else {
		noi di as err "Please choose a dataset to analyze"
		exit 340700
	tab dx
	levelsof dx, local(diagnosis)
	label define dx_lab ///
	   1 "Glomerular" ///
	   2 "Diabetes" ///
	   3 "PKD" ///
	   4 "Hypertension" ///
	   5 "Renovascular" ///
	   6 "Congenital" ///
	   7 "Tubulo" ///
	   8 "Neoplasm" ///
	   9 "Other"
	label values dx dx_lab
	local numlab: value label dx 
	foreach num of numlist `diagnosis' {
		local dxcat: lab `numlab' `num'
		noi di "`dxcat'"
	capture log close 