Importing Datasets in Stata#


Stata supports numerous data formats including .dta, .csv, .xls/.xlsx (Excel), .sav (SPSS), .sas7bdat (SAS), .dbf (dBase), and more. The graphical interface may be used to import data at Menu > File > Import > Text data (delimited, *.csv), but only for local files. It’s advised that you archive the commands Stata outputs onto the results window for your future .do files. Your next project may include remote data, for which only a ready .do file script will work.

1. Importing CSV Files#

  • Syntax: import delimited

  • Example:

    import delimited data.csv, clear

2. Importing Excel Files#

  • Syntax: import excel

  • Example:

    import excel using data.xlsx, firstrow clear

3. Importing SPSS Files#

  • Syntax: import spss

  • Example:

    import spss using data.sav, clear

4. Importing SAS Files#

  • Syntax: import sas

  • Example:

    import sas using data.sas7bdat, clear

5. Importing dBase Files#

  • Syntax: import dbase

  • Example:

    import dbase using data.dbf, clear

6. Importing Text Data in Fixed Format#

  • Syntax: import fixed

  • Example:

    import fixed using data.txt, clear

7. Importing Text Data in Fixed Format with a Dictionary#

  • Syntax: infix using

  • Example:

    infix using dictionary.dct

    A dictionary file (dictionary.dct) specifies the format of your fixed-width file.

8. Importing Unformatted Text Data#

  • Syntax: import delimited

  • Example:

    import delimited data.txt, clear

9. Importing SAS XPORT Files#

  • Syntax: import xport

  • Example:

    import delimited data.xpt, clear

    For .v8xpt and .xpt files, the command remains the same.

    • Visit the website to practice importing a .XPT file:

      • DEMO Data from the 2009 survey

      • Use set timeout 1000 if you have poor internet connectivity

10. Importing Data from JDBC Data Sources#

  • Syntax: jdbc

  • Example:

    jdbc query "SELECT * FROM database.table" , dsn("jdbc:datasourceURL") javaoptions("option1" "option2")

    Requires setting up a JDBC connection and may involve additional options for Java.

11. Importing Data from ODBC Data Sources#

  • Syntax: odbc load

  • Example:

    odbc load, dsn("DSNname") table("tablename") clear

    Utilizes an ODBC connection, where DSNname is the Data Source Name.

12. Importing Data from FRED#

  • Syntax: import fred

  • Example:

    import fred seriesID, clear

    Directly imports economic data from the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED).

Tips for Importing Data#

  1. Backup your raw data before starting any analysis.

  2. Inspect your data post-import using describe, list, and summarize.

  3. Be alert for import errors; Stata provides helpful error messages to guide troubleshooting.