HW5 Solution (Advanced)#
file with comments#
Visualize the script your going to run. Review the code to figure out why its “advanced”
Note:: Solution to Question 2 is “Basic”, so don’t feel intimidated
cat "https://github.com/jhustata/basic/raw/main/hw5_solution.do"
Run this remote script to generate the output for HW5:
do "https://github.com/jhustata/basic/raw/main/hw5_solution.do"
Seamless, isn’t it?
qui {
set more off
set varabbrev on
if 0 {
this is solutions for homework 5
if 1 {
capture log close
log using "hw5.lastname.firstname.log", replace
if 1 {
Question 1. Now you have all the skills to create your first automated Table 1!
Write a program called question1 that prints the following table (including Question 1 in the header).
The XX values should be replaced with correct values found in the dataset,
and should be rounded to the nearest whole number for age and to one decimal place
to the right of the decimal point for other variables.
Make sure the summary statistics are vertically aligned and justified along the left margin.
Run your program and display the table (i.e., in .log file).
Also, output these results to Question1.xlsx
capture program drop ind_translator
program define ind_translator
syntax, row(int) col(int)
// tokenize the alphabet
local alphabet "`c(ALPHA)'"
tokenize `alphabet'
// now translate col
local col_helper = `col'
while (`col_helper' > 0) {
local temp_helper2 = (`col_helper' - 1)
local temp_helper = mod(`temp_helper2', 26) + 1
local col_name : di "``temp_helper''" "`col_name'"
local col_helper = (`col_helper' - `temp_helper') / 26
// generate a global macro that can be used in main program
global ul_cell "`col_name'`row'"
capture program drop question1
program define question1
qui {
if 1 { // load dataset and general settings
global repo https://github.com/jhustata/basic/raw/main/
import delimited "${repo}hw1.txt", clear
local c_base = 40
local c_seq = 20
local by_var : di "female"
local row = 1
local del = "="
// set up excel file
putexcel set "Question1", replace
// First line
count if female == 0
local male_n = `r(N)'
count if female == 1
local female_n = `r(N)'
local female_col = `c_base' + `c_seq'
noi di "Question 1" _col(`c_base') "Males (N=`male_n')" _col(`female_col') "Females (N=`female_n')"
putexcel A1 = "Question 1"
putexcel B1 = "Males (N=`male_n')"
putexcel C1 = "Females (N=`female_n')"
// Label all vars
label variable init_age "Age"
label variable prev "Previous transplant"
label variable dx "Cause of ESRD"
// Run through all vars
levelsof `by_var', local(by_val)
// assemble variables for loop
local var_list init_age prev dx
local var_type 0 1 2
local var_pos = 0
foreach i in `var_list' {
local var_pos = `var_pos' + 1
tokenize `var_type'
local type = ``var_pos''
local row = `row' + 1
if (`type' == 0) { // con
// display the variable label
local col = 1
local var_lab : variable label `i'
local name : di "`var_lab'" ", median (IQR)"
ind_translator, row(`row') col(`col')
noi di "`name'", _continue
putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`name'"
foreach j in `by_val' {
local col = `col' + 1
sum `i' if `by_var' == `j', detail
local med = `r(p50)'
local p25 = `r(p25)'
local p75 = `r(p75)'
local dis : di %3.1f `med' " (" %3.1f `p25' "-" %3.1f `p75' ")"
local sep = `c_base' + `c_seq' * (`col' - 2)
noi di _col(`sep') "`dis'", _continue
ind_translator, row(`row') col(`col')
putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`dis'"
noi di ""
else if (`type' == 1) {
local col = 1
local var_lab : variable label `i'
local name : di "`var_lab'" ", %"
ind_translator, row(`row') col(`col')
putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`name'"
noi di "`name'", _continue
foreach j in `by_val' {
local col = `col' + 1
sum `i' if `by_var' == `j'
local mean = (`r(mean)' * 100)
local mean : di %3.1f `mean'
ind_translator, row(`row') col(`col')
local col_h = `col' - 2
local sep = `c_base' + `c_seq' * `col_h'
noi di _col(`sep') "`mean'", _continue
putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`mean'"
noi di ""
else if (`type' == 2) {
local col = 1
local var_lab : variable label `i'
local name : di "`var_lab'" ": "
ind_translator, row(`row') col(`col')
putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`name'"
noi di "`name'"
levelsof `i', local(var_val)
foreach k in `var_val' {
local row = `row' + 1
local col = 1
// get the cat name
local del_pos = strpos("`k'", "`del'") + 1
local cat_name : di substr("`k'", `del_pos', .)
local cat_name : di "`cat_name'" ", %"
noi di "`cat_name'", _continue
ind_translator, row(`row') col(`col')
putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`cat_name'"
foreach j in `by_val' {
local col = `col' + 1
count if `i' == "`k'" & `by_var' == `j'
local k_num = `r(N)'
count if `by_var' == `j'
local total = `r(N)'
local dis : di %3.1f (`k_num' / `total' * 100)
local sep = `c_base' + `c_seq' * (`col' - 2)
noi di _col(`sep') "`dis'", _continue
ind_translator, row(`row') col(`col')
putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`dis'"
noi di ""
noi di " "
noi question1
if 2 {
Print a summary table as shown below (this is how it should appear in your .log file),
with odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI).
The XXXX values should be replaced with the actual values found in the dataset,
and should be displayed with two decimal places to the right of the decimal point.
Also, create a Question2.xlsx with this output properly formatted.
putexcel set "Question2", replace
noi di "Question2"
putexcel A1 = "Question2"
noi di "Variable" _col(40) "OR" _col(60) "(95% CI)"
putexcel A2 = "Variable"
putexcel B2 = "OR"
putexcel C2 = "(95% CI)"
// get statistics
local vars init_age female
label variable init_age "Age"
label variable female "Female"
logistic received_kt `vars'
local row = 2
foreach i in `vars' {
local row = `row' + 1
local name : variable label `i'
noi di "`name'", _continue
putexcel A`row' = "`name'"
lincom `i'
local or = `r(estimate)'
local or : di %4.2f `or'
local lb : di %4.2f `r(lb)'
local ub : di %4.2f `r(ub)'
local ci : di "(`lb'-`ub')"
noi di _col(40) "`or'" _col(60) "`ci'"
putexcel B`row' = "`or'"
putexcel C`row' = "`ci'"
capture log close
GPT-4 Annotation#
This might contain errors since even the most advanced GPT occassionally “hallucinates”
Setting Up the Environment#
qui {
set more off
set varabbrev on
qui {}
: Starts a block of commands that run quietly, meaning they won’t show any output in the Stata window.cls
: Clears the Stata results window, making it clean for new output.set more off
: Stops Stata from pausing when the output fills the screen.set varabbrev on
: Allows you to use abbreviated names for variables.
Check and Handle Logging#
if 1 {
capture log close
log using "hw5.lastname.firstname.log", replace
if 1 { ... }
: This always executes since1
is always true. It’s a way to group commands.capture log close
: Tries to close any open log file, ignoring any error if no log is open.log using "hw5.lastname.firstname.log", replace
: Starts a new log file with a specified name, replacing any existing file with the same name.
Define ind_translator
capture program drop ind_translator
program define ind_translator
syntax, row(int) col(int)
capture program drop ind_translator
: Attempts to delete any existing program namedind_translator
, ignoring errors if it doesn’t exist.program define ind_translator
: Begins definition of a new program calledind_translator
.syntax, row(int) col(int)
: Specifies that this program requires two integer arguments:row
Inside ind_translator
local alphabet "`c(ALPHA)'"
tokenize `alphabet'
local col_helper = `col'
local alphabet "
c(ALPHA)’”: Creates a local macro
alphabet` that contains all letters A-Z.tokenize
alphabet’: Splits
alphabetinto tokens accessible via numbered local macros (e.g.,
1for A,
2` for B, etc.).local col_helper =
col’: Initializes
col_helperwith the value of
Translating Column Numbers to Excel Columns
while (`col_helper' > 0) {
local temp_helper2 = (`col_helper' - 1)
local temp_helper = mod(`temp_helper2', 26) + 1
local col_name : di "``temp_helper''" "`col_name'"
local col_helper = (`col_helper' - `temp_helper') / 26
global ul_cell "`col_name'`row'"
The loop and calculations inside translate a numeric column index into an Excel column name (e.g., 1 -> A, 28 -> AB).
global ul_cell "
: Stores the final Excel cell reference in a global macroul_cell
End of ind_translator
: Marks the end of theind_translator
program definition.
Define question1
capture program drop question1
program define question1
qui {
if 1 { // load dataset and general settings
global repo https://github.com/jhustata/basic/raw/main/
import delimited "${repo}hw1.txt", clear
capture program drop question1
: Deletesquestion1
program if it already exists.program define question1
: Starts defining a new programquestion1
.global repo https://github.com/jhustata/basic/raw/main/
: Sets a global macrorepo
to store the URL base.import delimited "${repo}hw1.txt", clear
: Imports data from a.txt
file located at the URL stored inrepo
, clearing any existing data in memory.
Setting Up Excel File
local c_base = 40
local c_seq = 20
local by_var : di "female"
local row = 1
local del = "="
local c_base = 40
,local c_seq = 20
: Set up constants to control column positions in output.local by_var : di "female"
: Sets a local macroby_var
to the string “female”, intended for use in categorizing data.local row = 1
: Initializes a counter for Excel rows.local del = "="
: Defines a delimiter used later in text processing.
Excel Setup and Header Output#
putexcel set "Question1", replace
putexcel set "Question1", replace
: Prepares a new Excel file named “Question1.xlsx” and replaces any existing file with the same name.
Counting and Outputting Gender-Specific Data#
count if female == 0
local male_n = `r(N)'
count if female == 1
local female_n = `r(N)'
putexcel A1 = "Question 1"
putexcel B1 = "Males (N=`male_n')"
putexcel C1 = "Females (N=`female_n')"
count if female == 0
: Counts the number of records where the gender is male (assuming ‘female’ is 0 for males).local male_n =
r(N)’: Stores the number of males from the last
countcommand into a local macro
male_n`.count if female == 1
: Similar to above, but counts females.local female_n =
r(N)’`: Stores the number of females.putexcel A1 = "Question 1"
: Writes “Question 1” into cell A1 of the Excel file.putexcel B1 = "Males (N=
male_n’)”`: Writes the count of male participants into cell B1.putexcel C1 = "Females (N=
female_n’)”`: Writes the count of female participants into cell C1.
Variable Labeling#
label variable init_age "Age"
label variable prev "Previous transplant"
label variable dx "Cause of ESRD"
label variable init_age "Age"
: Assigns the label “Age” to the variableinit_age
.label variable prev "Previous transplant"
: Labels theprev
variable to indicate it represents previous transplants.label variable dx "Cause of ESRD"
: Labels thedx
variable, indicating it describes the cause of End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).
Processing and Outputting Variable Statistics#
levelsof `by_var', local(by_val)
local var_list init_age prev dx
local var_type 0 1 2
by_var’, local(by_val): Identifies unique values in the
by_varvariable (here "female") and stores them in the
by_val` local macro.local var_list init_age prev dx
: Creates a list of variables (init_age
) to loop through.local var_type 0 1 2
: Sets up a list to indicate the type of each variable invar_list
for processing (0 for continuous, 1 for binary, 2 for categorical).
Loop for Summary Statistics#
local var_pos = 0
foreach i in `var_list' {
local var_pos = `var_pos' + 1
tokenize `var_type'
local type = ``var_pos''
local row = `row' + 1
local var_pos = 0
: Initializes a position counter for the variables.foreach i in
var_list’ { … }: Begins a loop over the variables listed in
var_list`.local var_pos =
var_pos’ + 1`: Increments the position counter.tokenize
var_type’: Breaks the string
var_type` into tokens that can be accessed sequentially.local type = ``var_pos''
: Gets the type of the current variable using the position counter.local row =
row’ + 1`: Increments the row counter to move to the next row in Excel.
Handling Different Variable Types#
if (`type' == 0) { // con
local col = 1
local var_lab : variable label `i'
local name : di "`var_lab'" ", median (IQR)"
ind_translator, row(`row') col(`col')
putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`name'"
... [handling of continuous variables] ...
if (
type’ == 0) { … }`: Checks if the variable is continuous (type 0).local col = 1
: Initializes the column position in Excel for output.local var_lab : variable label
i’`: Retrieves the label of the current variable.local name : di "
var_lab’” “, median (IQR)”`: Prepares the name and statistic type (median and interquartile range) for display.ind_translator, row(
row’) col(col')
: Calls theind_translator