HW2 solution#
1. Create a .do file#
capture log close
log using hw2.lastname.firstname.log
// code
log close
2. Name your .do
Copy and paste the above
file structure into your.do
fileSave it as
3. It should create a .log
Done! (See section 1 above)
4. Display only the output of interest#
You’d not yet covered the quietly
command at the time, but here’s how to go about it:
quietly {
// the rest of your do-file content, indented
Questions 1 & 2#
Putting it all together:
qui {
capture log close
log using hw2.lastname.firstname.log, replace
// settings
global dataset "https://jhustata.github.io/book/_downloads/884b9e06eb29f89b1b87da4eab39775d/hw1.txt"
set timeout1 1000
// dataset
import delimited $dataset, clear
describe //to view your data "dictionary"; initially do so noisily
sum init_age if female==0, detail
local age_m_p50: di %2.0f `r(p50)'
local age_m_p25: di %2.0f `r(p25)'
local age_m_p75: di %2.0f `r(p75)'
sum init_age if female==1, detail
local age_f_p50: di %2.0f `r(p50)'
local age_f_p25: di %2.0f `r(p25)'
local age_f_p75: di %2.0f `r(p75)'
noisily di "Question 1: The median [IQR] age is `age_m_p50' [`age_m_p25'-`age_m_p75'] among males and `age_f_p50' [`age_f_p25'-`age_f_p75'] among females."
sum if female==0 & prev==1, detail
local male_per: di %2.1f `r(mean)'*100
sum if female==1 & prev==1, detail
local female_per: di %2.1f `r(mean)'*100
noi di "Question 2: `male_per'% among males and `female_per'% among females have history of previous transplant"
log close
Read more about set timeout