HW1 solution#

1. Create a .do file#

capture log close 
log using hw1.lastname.firstname.log

// code

log close

2. Name your .do file#

  • Copy and paste the above .do file structure into your .do file

  • Save it as hw1.lastname.firstname.do

3. It should create a .log file#

  • Done! (See section 1 above)

4. Display only the output of interest#

You’d not yet covered the quietly command at the time, but here’s how to go about it:

quietly {

   // the rest of your do-file content, indented



Putting it all together:

qui {
   capture log close
   log using hw1.lastname.firstname.log
   global dataset "https://jhustata.github.io/book/_downloads/884b9e06eb29f89b1b87da4eab39775d/hw1.txt"
  set timeout1 1000

   // code
   import delimited $dataset, clear
   noisily di "Question 1: There are `c(N)' records in the dataset"

   log close

Read more about set timeout