Lab 2#

Part 1#

Write a .do file which imports transplants.txt and performs the data management/exploratory data analysis tasks described below using the slides we have discussed in class. Your .do file ( must create a log file (lab1_lastname.log). This file will contain your answers for both part 1 and part 2 of today’s lab. Your .do file should follow conventions for .do file structure described in class. Do not submit your log files as part of the assignment.

  1. Do a \(\chi^2\) test to test the association between recipient HCV status (rec_hcv) and gender (gender). Make Stata print the p value, like this:

Chi-squared p value (question 1): xxxxxx 

Except print the correct p value. 0.006 (any formatting OK)

Note: here and in other questions, if the p value is (for example) 0.4, don't have a command like

disp 0.4

Instead, write code to calculate and then display the number we are asking for.

  1. Do a one-sided Fisher exact test to test the association between recipient HCV status (rec_hcv) and gender (gender). Make Stata print the one-sided p value, like this:

One-sided Fisher exact p value (question 2): xxxxxx

Except print the correct p value. 0.003 (any formatting OK)

  1. Run a logistic regression to test the association between age and recipient HCV status (logistic rec_hcv age). Make Stata print the odds ratio from that regression, like this:

Odds ratio (question 3): xx.xx (95% CI yy.yy-zz.zz)

1.02 (95% CI 1.01-1.04)

  1. Make Stata print the p value for the coefficient from that regression, like this:

P value (question 4): 0.yyyy 


Part 2#

  1. Write code to produce the following output:

Question 5: mean peak PRA is 18.4 in males and 14.5 in females

But fill in the correct numbers. 10.4, 26.4

  1. Create a variable called hypertensive which is 1 for transplant recipients who have ESRD secondary to hypertension (dx==4) and 0 for everyone else. Create another variable called college which is 1 for recipients with an associate’s/bachelor’s degree or a graduate degree and 0 for recipients who have no education, grade school education, or high school/GED. Create a variable called male which is 1 for male recipients and 0 for female recipients.

Now run a logistic regression of hypertensive on age, BMI, college, and male gender (logistic hypertensive age bmi college male). Write a program called table_q6 that displays a table of odds ratios, like this:

Regression table (Question 6)
age        x.xx (x.xx - x.xx)
bmi        x.xx (x.xx - x.xx)
college    x.xx (x.xx - x.xx)
male       x.xx (x.xx - x.xx)

except fill in the correct numbers.

age        1.01 (1.00-1.02)
bmi        1.02 (1.00-1.04)
college    0.91 (0.72-1.14)
male       1.21 (0.96-1.53)

Values might be slightly different since the def of "college" is undefined if rec_educ is "some college" or missing

log using lab2.log, replace 
use transplants, clear //5pt, -1 pt for every error e.g. filepath, clear, etc

quietly tab rec_hcv gender, chi2 exact //5pt 

disp "Chi-squared p value (question 1): " %4.3f r(p) //5pt

disp "One-sided Fisher exact p value (question 2): " %4.3f r(p1_exact) //5pt

logistic rec_hcv age //10pt
quietly lincom age //10pt
return list //10pt, but ok if they know the r() from memory
disp "Odds ratio (question 3): " /// 
    %3.2f r(estimate) " (95% CI " %3.2f r(lb) "-" %3.2f r(ub) ")" //5pt

disp "P value (question 4): " %5.4f r(p)  //5pt

quietly sum peak_pra if gender==0 //5pt
local m = r(mean) //5pt 
quietly sum peak_pra if gender==1 //5pt
local f = r(mean) //5pt

disp "Question 5: mean peak PRA is " %2.1f `m' ///
     "  in males and " %2.1f `f' " in females" //10pt

gen byte hypertensive = dx==4 //1pt
gen byte college = rec_educ>=3 if !missing(rec_educ) //1pt
gen byte male = !gender //1pt
capture program drop q6 //1pt
program define q6 //1pt
    local vlist age bmi college male 
    quietly logistic hypertensive `vlist' //1pt
    foreach v of varlist `vlist' {
        quietly lincom `v' //1pt
        disp "`v'" _col(12) %3.2f r(estimate) " (" ///
            %3.2f r(lb) "-" %3.2f r(ub) ")" //1pt
end //1pt
q6 //1pt

log close