
Our teaching team is here to help!

Your instructor

  1. Abimereki Muzaale

Teaching assistants

  1. Vincent Jin (Lead TA)

  2. Johnathan He

  3. Darien Colson-Fearo

  4. Sophia Magalona

  5. Jinqiao Ma

  6. Jianan Lu

  7. Rediet Tekalign

Optional labs

  1. M 9:30-10:30 am

  2. T 10:00-11:00 am Wolfe W2207

  3. W 3:00-4:00 pm

  4. Th 6:00-7:00 pm

  5. F 1:00-2:00 pm

Homeworks due

  1. Fri,Apr 21,11:59 PM

  2. Mon,May 8,11:59 PM

  3. Mon,May 15,11:59 PM

Courseplus perks

  1. Q&A on discussion forum

  2. Announcements

  3. Dropbox

  4. Gradebook

  5. Passcodes

Who to email? [1]

qui {
    if 1 { //N=26
        set obs 26
        capture log close 
        log using tokenize.log, replace  
    if 2 { //Int 1-26
        egen lastname = seq(), f(1) t(26)
        tostring lastname, replace 
        tokenize "`c(ALPHA)'" 

    if 3 { //Tokenize
        forval i = 1/26 {
            replace lastname = "``i''" if lastname == "`i'" 
    if 4 { //Randomly
        set seed 340600
        g randomorder=runiform()
        sort random  
        drop random    
    if 5 { //Output
        noi list 
        log close 



  1. SLBTM -> Darien Colson-Fearo

  2. YZRVU -> Sophia Magalona

  3. KGHJW -> Jinqiao Ma

  4. FIDXC -> Jianan Lu

  5. APEON -> Rediet Tekalign

Bonus points: Use the tokenize command to append the DEMO.XPT files for all continuous NHANES: 1999-2018 into one file.[2] Your .do file should include only one import sasxport5 statement. Search this book for the import sasxport5 command. Up to 1.5 bonus points

Hint: tokenize.hint.log

Academic integrity

  1. Collaboration is strongly encouraged

  2. You should have a Github account (optional)

  3. Submit your own work, acknowledging any other contributors

  4. Please do cite sources of code snippets

See also

What’s new this week?

  1. Wish to TA Stata Programming in the Summer Institute? Let me know!

  2. Video for chapter: local v: di has gone live!

  3. Graduating students cannot submit hw3 beyond May 18 since your grades are due in the Academic registrars office by 4pm May 19.